Know Mysql Database

Written By IMAGINATION on Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011 | 01.44

Databases have become an integral part of human life. A job would be hard if not supported by the database. For example, the existence of the database to be especially important in a job at the bank, universities, and libraries.
Another example is some of the facilities on the internet that it is impossible to walk without the support of the database, such as search engines, e-commerce, and website news. Databases that run and controlled on the computer called a server database.

One database server that is well known today is MySQL. Database server TcX datakonsultAB output, a Swedish IT company, offers various advantages over other database server.
Here are some of the advantages of MySQL:
- Able to handle millions of users in the same ime.
- Capable of accommodating more than 60 million records.
- Very fast execute commands.
- Having a privileged user system that is easy and efficient.
- MySQL also provides support for open source
- Multi Platform
Each user is allowed to change the source to MySQL keperuan development or as needed to align the specification database.
With a variety of reasons, very reasonable at this time if MySQL is so widely used as a database server on the Internet. To install MySQL, you can download the latest source of / downloads.
01.44 | 0 komentar

Building a Network-Based Linux and Windows with Samba

One of the things to be proud of the Linux operating system is stability. Therefore, Linux is often used as a server in a network. Meanwhile, Windows has the advantage of ease of use so it does not surprise used by the majority of computer users (especially belonging to laymen). As a result of that combination, often found a network that uses Linux as a server and Windows as a workstation.

In building the network combinations of Linux with Windows operating system, Samba is the most popular services. Samba is generally used to build a network where the computers that are members of the network is used to share (sharing) various resources it has, for example, data and printers. Basically, Samba was created to bridge the different protocols between Linux with Windows when we build a network. Most (if not virtually all) UNIX-based operating systems, including Linux, using TCP / IP in the network. Windows itself was also supports the use of TCP / IP, but in building a network of fellow Windows for data sharing or printer, Windows uses another protocol called Server Message Block or SMB abbreviated (of course this information you can guess where the name originated Samba) . SMB protocol using a network interface called the Network Basic Input Output System (NetBIOS). NetBIOS allows Windows users to access storage media on another computer or printer as though the device is on his own computer. With a mindset of sharing the device uses the SMB protocol, Andrew Tridgell Samba creates. Samba allows the user operating systems UNIX / Linux to storage media and printer sharing with Windows.
01.39 | 0 komentar

Build Cross-Platform Networking

Building a secure computer network that is certainly the desire of every network administrator. One of the ways chosen by the administrator is using Linux as an operating system for server computers. On the client computer, it is not easy to change from the old operating system to Linux with a variety of factors and causes. It required a solution that users can still use the old operating system on client computers, but administrators can use Linux on the server computer.

The solution to that is to combine the existing operating system in a computer network. Some clients still use windows despite the network server computers that use Linux. The combination is what is usually found in the field. Apart from an interesting experiment for students, lecturers and IT practitioners, the combination is a reasonable solution and is a win-win solution. Users are not forced to switch operating systems too hastily and administrators can immediately take advantage of the reliability of Linux as a server computer network.
01.34 | 0 komentar

Know the Language C / C + +

Know the Language C / C + +
C language was developed at Bell Laboratories (USA) around 1972 by Dennis Ritchie who is an expert in programming. C + + language is a refinement and development of C created by Bjarne Stroustrup. C and C + + compiler is to make a general application and is also an intermediate level language that is often used to make computer interfacing and microcontroller applications. Both languages ​​are categorized as middle level language because sometimes we need to know also to programming Assembly language related to hardware or computer equipment. We can insert Assembly Language to C / C + + programming for computer hardware using asm command. To learn C / C + +, you can use the software Turbo C, Turbo C + +, Borland C + +, C + + Builder or Visual C + +, while Visual C + +. NET already has a lot of difference in terms of GUI and several models of programming known as Managed C + +. However, making interfacing applications using Visual C + +. NET and Visual C #. NETtetap it is something that is interesting and a challenge. Turbo C + + compiler is based on DOS, while Borland C + + version 4 upwards running under Windows. You can also create C + + program based on Linux and compiled using gcc.
01.32 | 0 komentar

Know Your JavaScript

JavaScript was first introduced by Netscape, which is in 1995. At first the language is now called JavaScript is named LiveScript that serves as a simple language for the browser Netscape Navigator 2, the browser that is very popular at the time. Then, in line with the onslaught of cooperation between Netscape and Sun (Java programming language developers) at the time, then on the 4th of december 1995 Netscape to give JavaScript the name of the language. At the same time, Microsoft's own attempt to adapt the technology they refer to as JScript in the browser is Internet Explorer theirs 3. JavaScript itself is a modification of the C + + programming language by writing a simpler pattern than the C + + language.
UnderstandingJavaScript is a programming language that is specifically used for web pages to become more alive. When viewed from the syllable, JavaScript consists of two syllables, namely Java and script. Java is object-oriented programming language, while the script is a series of program instructions. Although JavaScript can not be used to create applications or applets, but with JavaScript we can create an interactive web page with ease.
JavaScript and Java differences1. JavaScript: Translated by the client (not compiled)Java: Compiling the server before execution on client2. JavaScript: Working on an objectJava: Applet is separated from HTML (accessed from HTML pages)3. JavaScript: The code uses objects built-in, and can be developed but are not required classesJava: Types of data variables must be declared4. JavaScript: Dynamic Association (dynamic binding)Java: Institute of static (static binding)5. JavaScript: object references are checked on a timelineJava: Reference objects must exist at compile time.
Reading the above, one question arises, how to structure the writing? Well, the answer is easy. writing JavaScript programs thirst begins with tag <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> and terminated or closed with the tag </ SCRIPT>. JavaScript tag has two attributes that can be used, the JavaScript is written in HTML documents and HTML documents are written out in a separate file. Easy, right? Now we just apply it into our website. Good luck!
01.30 | 0 komentar

Google Start frustrated with Facebook Threat

Google began to worry that the popularity of Facebook. Because the Internet giant is regarded Facebook has grown to become a potential competitor for those in the field of Internet search. Ken is Tokusei as Google Group Product Manager that revealed it.

He observed Internet users start looking for reliable answers to the question of their search, not only in the form of a list of sites as they are commonly provided on Google.

In addition, users also expect a personal answer personal questions such as where a good restaurant or salon. Well, judging Tokusei networking sites like Facebook have the advantage in this case where the information needed can come from friends, acquaintances and individuals on the site.

Users were more inclined to trust information coming from fellow networking site users. "We did not have any points in which search results appear to come from someone you know," said Tokusei as reported by RedOrbit.

Google also began to anticipate this trend. They began to develop a tool that lets users rate the search results and even delete unwanted links. However Tokusei admitted there is still much to be done.

Tokusei also stressed it is important to determine what kind of information desired by users. Google is not to be complacent given the relentless competitor as if trying to undermine its dominance. For example, Microsoft is rumored to be soon launch a new search engine with many advantages.
01.26 | 0 komentar

Unfortunately, you are not eternal

Written By IMAGINATION on Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011 | 18.26

Once Sulaiman ibn 'Abd al-Malik had put on the most flashy clothes, wear perfume and riding kebanggannya. Then he turned to the mirror and he was amazed by his performance, saying:

"I was a young nan handsome king."

Then he turned to a slave-girl and asked:

"O my slave girl, what do you think penampulan and ketampananku?"

Then the slave woman replied:

"I will answer if you permit, O Commander of the Faithful."

Solomon said "I have let you, then what's your answer?"

Slave woman's poem tells us:

You are a most happy, if thou eternal
It's just that there is no immortality for man
There is no disgrace to you and not also what the hated people
It's just that you are not eternal.

Then Sulaiman ibn 'Abdul Malik fell silent
18.26 | 0 komentar

Who are the guardians of God?

"... Whoever is guided by God, then he got a clue, and those who misled him, then you will not get a saint nor Mursyd (religious leaders) who can give a clue to him .." (Surah Al-Kahf: 17 )
To convey the same paragraph [QS.Al-Kahf 17] above is: [QS.Al-A 'RAAF 186], [QS.Az-Zumar 23], [QS.Al-Israa' 97], [QS.Al-An 'aam 125].
In connection with the word "Murshid Wali" contained in paragraph [QS.Al-Kahf 17] above, some commentators explain, among other things in Tafsir al-Qadir Fathul written by Imam Ash-Syaukani explained that "Murshid Wali" is a helper who can provide guidance on the Haq (truth).
Next in Bahr Ulum Tafsir written by Abu Layth Al-Samarqandi explained that "Murshid Wali" is providing guidance / instructions to monotheism (pengesaan God).
From the above it can be concluded that the "Murshid Wali" it is a helper or a supervisor who took to the truth of monotheism, without mentioning who he is (name), from nasab or descendants who and where he is. As long as he can invite / guide to the truth of the Qur'an as a guide, the call to Tawheed (Oneness of Allah), then he is the "Murshid Wali".
Lo Wali Wali-Allah, no fear come upon them and not (also) they grieve. (Namely) those who believe and they are always cautious. For them the happy news in the world and life (in life) in the hereafter. No changes to the sentences (promises) of God. That is a great victory. (Surah Yunus: 62-64)
Rasulullah SAW. said, "Verily from amongst the servants of God there is a class of people who are not prophets nor martyrs, but the prophets and the martyrs' competing with them in the position of God."
People asked, "O Messenger of Allah, tell us who they were and what their conduct. Because we love them because that implies. "
The Prophet replied, "They are a people who love each other because God, the Spirit of God, not on the basis of family ties among themselves nor for wealth that they give each other. By Allah, their faces are bright light, and they are above the light. They do not feel fear when everybody was afraid, and they do not feel worried when everyone was worried. "
And then Muhammad read this verse: 'Behold, God is indeed the trustees no fear on them nor will they feel worried. "
(Book of Fath al-Bari, Hadith Sahih Imam dirawikan Bukhary)
From Abu Hurairah RA he said: the Prophet Muhammad has said: "Verily Allah has said: Whoever is an enemy of my Guardian Behold, I have declared war on him, and not a servant to draw close to me with something I love worship more than what I have enjoined him, and always a My servants to approach me with deeds-deeds until I love him Sunnah. If I loved her as I become his hearing that he used to hear, and as a vision that he used to see, and as his hand that he used to do, and as his legs that he used to walk. And if he asks (something) to me I will surely give him, and when he begged the protection of me I will surely protect him " (Hadith Qudsi on dirawikan Imam shahihnya Bukhary in the book, hadith no: 6137.)
When referring to the Koran (Yunus, verse 62-64), it is the criterion status as guardian of faith and piety. With already fulfilled two criteria, means a person entitled to the predicate 'Wali Allah'. Is it that simple?
According to Drs. H. Asep Usman Ismail, a senior lecturer UIN Jakarta. status as guardian of criteria which refers to the levels of the new faith and devotion meet the general concept of status as guardian. In order not to obscure the term 'Wali Allah' so holy, of course, we can not only based on the understanding harfiyah of the paragraph above.
If the terms of the level of faith that the standard status as guardian for a 'Wali Allah' must be up to the level of knowing Allah through witnessing his inner eye. And at this level is still stratified quality.
How do your views on the concept of status as guardian?
If we return to the basic sense, the term 'Wali Allah' was not meaning to be mean close, it could be a lover, could mean guidance, or well maintenance.
So the notion of 'Wali Allah' is the one closer to God, because of its proximity to it anyway so he deserves to be beloved of God, because it was close and at once became his lover, so he deserves the guidance and also the maintenance of God. Because it's status as guardian concept can be explained in terms of relations, namely the relationship between a servant to his Lord.
Whether from the point of that relationship can also explain the existence of levels among the 'Wali Allah' it?
Yes, when talking about relationships, condition and intensity of every human being that was different. There's a new approach, there are already relatively close, there are already very close, and some have been "united". Because conditions are different, then the quality kewaliannya became different. That is why there are levels of 'Wali Allah'.
With the earlier levels, whatever the criteria so that someone worthy categorized as 'Wali Allah' in its most basic level, for example?
In the Qur'an Surah Yunus verse 62 through 64 was mentioned, the requirements to become a guardian was only two. One faith, two pious. From this verse and then the scholars conclude about the concept of 'walaayatul-aammah' or status as guardian in general, there is also termed as 'walaayatut-tauhiid'.
The extent to which levels of faith and piety so that a person should have right to hold the degree of status as guardian in the context of the general status as guardian of this?
If according to Ibn Taymiyyah, a person's status as guardian generally must be consistent or committed and in doing everything as instructed, and stay away from all that Allah prohibited. But not fully working on the circumcised, yet leave the dimakruhkan. And for this category is a person not entitled to the degree of status as guardian in a special sense.
If so, when the concept of status as guardian in general is highlighted, probably will have an impact on the superficiality of meaning. Moreover the term guardian has been frequently used in everyday life. Whereas the concept's status as guardian of Islam's so holy. So, what exactly is the meaning of a particular status as guardian?
The view of the concept of special status as guardian in it are quite diverse. For example there are classifying it into 8 levels, each level it shows a different quality. But there also are divided into five levels, for example, Hakim at-Tirmidhi.
Then, anyone who has been classified as 'Guardian of God' within the meaning of this special?
Kinda hard to explain if speaking personally. Clearer if we talk about the concept. Conceptually, there are the so-called 'Walayah Haqqullah'. The term haq propped against God, it contains some sense.
In terms Haq Allah that reflected the sense message, teachings and commandments of God. Haqullah therefore be interpreted with the shari'ah of Allah. So Auliya - Allah Wali - at this level are those that are already capable of running a kaffah Shari'ah of Allah, that is comprehensive and istiqamah.
So there is no concept of status as guardian to ignore aspects of Shariah. Besides, the term also refers to the reality haqullah being the highest. So status as guardian of this level are those who have been able to integrate with the highest reality, God Almighty.
Sense to integrate this course should refer to what was conceived of by the Sufis themselves. There are mengkonsepsikannya with ma'rifah, some call with Ittihad, hulul and others.
Next level?
There is another called 'Wali Allah', is not coupled with longer term haq. This level is to illustrate that the trustee, it does not mean that no longer hold and run the shari'ah. But the attention and orientation is on the substance, rather than dwell on the formal aspects of the shari'ah. So he has reached the level of the core sense or substance of the shari'ah.
In this context, Imam Ash-Shariah Syathibi termed it with wisdom. People at this level are those who have reached 'Ghaayatush-fil-'ibadah shidqi', peak sincerity in worship.
He has reached the optimum level in the quality of worship. He has far exceeded the minimum limit.
What are the specific differences between the two tiers that?
If 'Walaayah haqqullah' is called the shadiquun. While the 'Wali Allah' refers to as shiddiiquun. When referring to the opinion of Ibn Taimiah as we have seen earlier, it's new status as guardian generally consistent run everything as instructed and away from any limits imposed by Allah. Not fully worked the circumcised, yet leave the dimakruhkan.
Now, if the group shadiquun that, in lahiriyah, they've committed and run the circumcised and leave a dimakruhkan. As for the Baatinites, he thought it was connected with God.
In other words, shiddiiquun group are those who have reached the essence of the Shari'ah. That is already up to surrender himself totally to God. He had not considered that he had the ability. Even existential awareness has vanished, been mortal. His mind was mu'allqun billah, already adrift closely with Allah.
Conversely, people far from God that's generally because they assumed that she had the ability, consider herself an independent existence outside of his Lord.
Then the next level?
The next level, there is the so-called 'Al-muniibuun', ie people who have always restore everything to God. He had managed to suppress his ego, it can press its own interests, perceptions about the earthly things are clear. People like this are approaching the character of the angels.
There is another called 'Al-muqarrabuun', ie people who are really close to Allah SWT. The difference with us, suppose we are correct to understand that God is near. But we just got on a cognitive level, tarap understanding.
It is true that we never change our stance that God is near. We sure will correct it. But we can not feel the closeness. Well 'Wali al-Muqarrabuun' this can always feel the closeness to God, in all his time and in all his life.
There is another level higher than you mentioned earlier?
Higher again is the level of 'Al-munfariduun'. At this level means that the trustee has reached the stage alone with his Lord. To understand this level maybe we need an analogy. For example there are about a visit to someone who already knew.
If it is still relatively common, its proximity to the level that was only minimal. I knew a guy, I know her name, I know what the job, I know how his character, I know where his house. This new limited.
If at the next level, for example, oh yes I've reached the yard, even I was allowed through.
But if the level of 'Al-muqarrabuun', oh I do not just get invited in, but I've been invited into the living room. I've spoken to. It's just that I have not met face to face. Because he was still behind the veil (barrier).
Now, if the level of 'Al-munfariduun', homeowners already appeared. Not just close with him, but was alone with her.
Then what is the top level status as guardian of that?
Peak levels of status as guardian of it is 'Khatmul Walaayah'. This is also called 'Khutubul Auliya - Wali Pole', the axis of the highest degree of status as guardian.
If at this level is not just alone. If alone it can still be distinguished between themselves and God. So there is still a separation between me and him, or I and Thou.
While at this level of vibration sense in the Qolbunya 'Wali Allah' has been completely fused with a sense of God, no veil (barrier) and no longer a feeling of unity with God Almighty in every second that passed all his life.
Anyone who is at the top of this status as guardian?
When talking about the person, again a little difficult to explain. But most scholars view that in every age there are guardian poles. Understanding the time here more than a century.
In the era of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jaelani, he is regarded as 'Kutubul Auliya'. There is a view that at the time of Ibn Arabi, he was the 'mayor poles'. At the time of Abu Hasan As-Sazili, he was the 'mayor poles'. So when talking about the general concept can be agreed. But over who meet the criteria at each level it is sometimes disagree.
The last question, it's status as guardian Degrees in essence a quality of personal relationships between servant to his Lord. So, why then there is the identification that the A's are the 'Wali Allah' and the B was not Wali Allah, or maybe even 'Satanic Guardian'. How can we know?
Yes, yes, it concerns the degree of status as guardian of religious essence of a personal nature and dimension Baatinites. Therefore there are some scholars who believe that 'La ya'lamul-waliyya illal-waliyyu'.
That is, no one can know and proclaim that a person or to him it is 'Wali Allah', except of 'Wali Allah' the other.
So that we actually just follow it, because between 'Wali Allah' the one with the 'Wali Allah' the others were actually interrelated, especially in Batiniyahnya, they continue to connect with each other and will never connect up to our lord teputus Great Prophet Muhammad.
Similarly, an explanation of what and who the 'Wali Allah' is true, may be useful for all. Wasalam.
He Hawla Wala Quwwata Ilabillah
No Power Except Strength From God
Laa ma'buda illa allah
Nothing that is worshiped except Allah
Laa ma'suda illa allah
There is no God except the intended
Laa maujuda illa allah
Nothing entities (intangible) except Allah
Divine, anta maksudi
Lord, thou only goal,
And only ridloMulah looking for,
A'tini mahabbataka wama'rifataka
Love and Ma'rifatMu Bestow me
Laa ilaha illa allah
There is no god except Allah
Allahu Allah
Allahu Allah ...
The guardians of God come to you for the benefit of you, is not to meet their needs. Because they really do not need you or anyone of these creatures (Free translation of Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani)
18.25 | 0 komentar

Functions Tool Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools are tools and media used google to communicate in both directions between the google and we as webmaster.Dengan Google Webmaster Tools you can optimize the indexing process.

For example, if we ever see a "website that has pages in", meaning from:

Home -> Category -> Catalog -> Product

Where the product page does not get the link from the front page, google bot would be very difficult to crawl reaches its product page. Well this is one of the advantages if we use Google Webmaster Tools, especially tools called "Google Sitemap" and of course if you can also build Web Pages Being Search Engine Friendly, Function more about "Google Sitemaps" I will explain below:

1. Google Sitemaps: This is a sitemap which lists the url of our website. Its function is to make it easier to enter and google bot crawl, pages pages we have provided its url above.

Components in Google Sitemaps:

loc: content with your URL

lastmod: content with the latest date, the format year-month-day examples of 2007-10-05

changefreq: content with the frequency change ex. always, daily, weekly

priority: set priorities between 0.1 - 1.0


<? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

<urlset xmlns="">


  <loc> </ loc>

  <lastmod> 2007-10-05 </ lastmod>

  <changefreq> always </ changefreq>

  <priority> 1.0 </ priority>

</ Url>


  <loc> </ loc>

  <lastmod> 2007-10-05 </ lastmod>

  <changefreq> daily </ changefreq>

  <priority> 1.0 </ priority>

</ Url>


  <loc> </ loc>

  <lastmod> 2007-10-05 </ lastmod>

  <changefreq> always </ changefreq>

  <priority> 0.9 </ priority>

</ Url>

</ Urlset>

2. Robots.txt. 60% sure you all already know Robots.txt yes .. Robots.txt is a file containing restrict / regulations on are due to bots / crawlers not to mengindek a web page or directory, or even the entire website structure, depending restrict it, in Google Webmaster Tools also have his robot validator

3. Link. On the menu link you DAPT see a list of inbound links, internal pages, and you can also see how many pages your site has in the index by Google

4. Domain Preference. Preference domain prefix is ​​the selection of the domain you are using the "www" or "tabpa www"


using www

do not use www

Domain Preference very influential in the Search Engine Result Page

5. Crawl Speed. You can specify the frequency will slow down or speed up the google bot comes to your website, if you think google bot come and spend too much bandwidth, then you can reduce the frequency of its

Go to google webmaster tools you must have Google Accounts, other language you should at least have a Google Email

This is his link to the Google Webmaster tools:


There are still many other functions from Google Webmaster Tools I have not yet describe.

so the explanation of my ... thanks

To see his blog: Official Google Webmaster Central Blog
18.16 | 0 komentar


Written By IMAGINATION on Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011 | 07.24

Having a true friend is worth more than a thousand friends selfish.What we have experienced for the sake of friends sometimes tiring and annoying, but that's what makes a beautiful friendship has a value.Friendship often presenting several trials, but true friendship can overcome the ordeal even grow together so ...Friendship is not created automatically but requires a lengthy process such as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens his friend.Friendship tinged with a variety of experiences joy and sorrow, be entertained - being hurt, watch out for - let down, heard - is ignored, assisted - rejected, but this was never done intentionally with the purpose of hatred.A friend will not hide the mistakes to avoid disputes, precisely because of his love he ventured to rebuke what it is.Companions never wrap a blow with a kiss, but said what was very painful with the aim of his best friend would change.The process of friends become friends require maintenance effort of fidelity, but not when we need help then we have the motivation to seek attention, help and love from others this claim, but instead he took the initiative to provide and realize what is required by his best friend.Longing is to be part of the life of his friend, because there is no friendship that begins with self-important attitude. Everyone will need a true friend, but not everyone got it. Many people who have been enjoying the beauty of friendship, but some are so devastated by his best friend betrayed.Remember the last time you're in trouble. Who is next to you? Who loves you when you feel unloved? Who wants to be with you when you can not give you anything?To BE your best friendRespect and guard always friendshipHaving a true friend is worth more than a thousand friends selfish.What we have experienced for the sake of friends sometimes tiring and annoying, but that's what makes a beautiful friendship has a value.Friendship often presenting several trials, but true friendship can overcome the ordeal even grow together so ...Friendship is not created automatically but requires a lengthy process such as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens his friend.Friendship tinged with a variety of experiences joy and sorrow, be entertained - being hurt, watch out for - let down, heard - is ignored, assisted - rejected, but this was never done intentionally with the purpose of hatred.A friend will not hide the mistakes to avoid disputes, precisely because of his love he ventured to rebuke what it is.Companions never wrap a blow with a kiss, but said what was very painful with the aim of his best friend would change.The process of friends become friends require maintenance effort of fidelity, but not when we need help then we have the motivation to seek attention, help and love from others this claim, but instead he took the initiative to provide and realize what is required by his best friend.Longing is to be part of the life of his friend, because there is no friendship that begins with self-important attitude. Everyone will need a true friend, but not everyone got it. Many people who have been enjoying the beauty of friendship, but some are so devastated by his best friend betrayed.Remember the last time you're in trouble. Who is next to you? Who loves you when you feel unloved? Who wants to be with you when you can not give you anything?To BE your best friendRespect and guard always friendship
07.24 | 1 komentar

Google Adsense

Google Adsense, the only program Paid Per Click (PPC) which will not be forgotten, see the rapid development of the PPC world, both nationally and internationally. Some classic question always comes to mind, or always take a look at the forums online business, how we can play Google Adsense Success? Judging from the definition of success in business adsense in my opinion is managed to get a lot of money and sustainable without worrying whether their accounts may not last long tau. So in other words, success here is rich and quiet.

There are two things in Google's adsense, which is managed and successful.

Successful means to earn money either by any means that while success means to get money without using a cheat and safe. To succeed in the google adsense blackhat can use, that is spamming, MFA reproduce, perform arbitrage adwords, etc ... This way you will earn money within a maximum of 4 months only, then your account banned. To succeed it is not too hard, because you only need is mental blackhat.

To be successful takes time and patience. On the one hand you can look for earnings by posting on forums, on the other hand we can do online branding and SEO to our blog, so for the short term we get results that are not for the blackhat way, and for the long term our blog will terbranding and get good position on google.
07.22 | 0 komentar


Currently the computer is no longer a luxury, this tool has been used in various fields of work as well as in the field of education. At first computers used in schools as a support for the smooth work of the fieldadministration by utilizing the software Microsoft word, excel and access.With the influx of material Information and Communication Technology in the new curriculum, the role of computers as a major component in ICT has a very important position as one of learning media. Excerpts from the Curriculum for the Subject Information and Communication Technology· Vision subjects of Information and Communication Technology is for students to and accustomed to using Information and Communication Technology tools are appropriate and optimal to obtain and process information in learning, work, and other activities so that students can be creative, to develop imaginative attitudes, develop exploration capabilities independent, and easily adapt to new developments in its environment · Through the subjects of Information Technology and Communications is expected that students can engage in rapid changes in life that have additions and changes in the use of various information and communication technology products.Students using the Information and Communication Technology to explore, explore, analyze, and exchange information efficiently and effectively. Using Information and Communication Technology, students will be withquickly get ideas and experiences from various walks of life. The addition of a student's ability because the use of Information and Communication Technology will develop the attitude of initiative and self-learning ability, so studentsand consider themselves can decide when and where the use of Information and Communication appropriately and optimally, including the implications of the present and the future.· Technology Information and Communications Technology (ICT) includes two aspects, namely Information and Communications Technology. Information Technology, covering all matters relating to process, use as aids, manipulation, and information management. Communication technology is all things relating to the use of assistive devices to process and transfer data from one device to another. Therefore, Information Technology and Communication Technology is an equivalent of an integral containing a broader sense of all activities related to the processing, manipulation, management, and transfer / transfer of information between the media.· Specifically, the purpose of studying Information Technology and Communication are:1. Students aware of the potential development of information and communication technologies are constantly changing so that students can be motivated to evaluate and study the Information and Communication Technology as a foundation for lifelong learning.2. Motivating students' ability to adapt and anticipate the development of Information and Communication Technology, so students can carry out and live life activities independently seharihari and more confident.3. Developing student competence in using ICT to support learning activities, work, and various activities in life seharihari.4. Develop study skills-based Information and Communication Technology, so that the learning process can be optimized, interesting, and encourage students skilled in communicating, skilled organizing information, and accustomed to working.5. Developing self-learning ability, initiative, innovative, creative, and responsible in the use of Information and Communication Technology for learning, working, and problem solving seharihari.By viewing the contents of the curriculum, we must integrate ICT in teaching and learning at the school not only for the subjects of technology and information only. Looking at the current condition of ICT and its development in the future, we must prepare ourselves and do the planning in implementing ICT in schools. If we do not start now then the madrasas as one of the educational institutions other than schools under the Education Ministry will be missed by other schools. If this happens, our efforts will be increasingly hard to align the madrassas with other schools. On the one hand, we're trying to catch up in subjects especially Mathematics and BahasaInggris, on the other side of ICT will make us further behind. Observing developing a program conducted ICT Ministry To catch the utilization of ICT in schools from other countries, when iniDepdiknas have ICT development program in ia.There are three important positions in the Ministry of Education in ICT development program, namely:1. Fields of vocational, ICT became one of the majors at SMK. ICT development is technically both hardware and software into the education curriculum. Establishment of ICT centers throughout Indonesia. To connect sekolahsekolah built around ICT center WAN (Wireless Area Network) City.2. Pustekkom, as one of the spearheads in the development of interactive educational TV, Elearning and ESMA. The program aims to narrow the gap between the educational quality of a big city with the area.3. Jardiknas (National Education Network), aims to integrate the two programs above in order to form a network that connects all schools in Indonesia. So I assume that in future all schools in Indonesia will be connected to the Internet. Looking at a program organized by the Ministry of Education we can use the facility because it is open.ICT development in Madrasah in MandiriWe're not too late to prepare for the mastery of ICT as a medium of learning in schools. From now on the madrassas and the Majlis Madrasah should make an overall ICT development program. There are several points to create an ICT development plan, including:1. Uniting the vision and mission of ICT development to be achieved between the principals, teachers and madrasah majlis.2. Formation Technology Committee (Organization Labkom) independent3. Identify infrastructure agency, whether hardware, software and systems and networks are owned4. Determination of hardware and software to be used or developed.5. Identifying HR owned6. Determine the shape of the mastery of ICT training for teachers and other staff.7. Time presence of a clear schedule for achieving program8. Determination of investment required at regular intervals each year9. Identify software development and new curriculum10. Hold a revised plan tailored to the developments.With careful planning, we can gradually develop ICT at the school so as not to lag behind other schools. Program created emotion implemented on an ongoing basis despite the change of the head and majilis madrasa. Utilization of ICT For Learning ICT Media is not a stand-alone technology, but it is a combination of hardware and software.Ada important things that must be considered in utilizing ICT as a learning medium that is hardware and software that is available and the types of learning methods will be used. Some use of ICT in learning including:1. PresentationThe presentation is a long way already in use, by using OHP or chart. The equipment used today typically use a computer / laptop and LCD projector. There are several advantages if we make use of ICTs among us can display animations and movies, so it looks to be more attractive and easier for students to catch the material that we deliver. The most widely used softwarefor presentations is Microsoft PowerPoint. There are several things that must be considered in making the presentation materials,including:a. Not too many posts to be displayed.b. Posts do not be too small as to be seen by many students.c. Expand to insert images and animationsd. Try to form an interactive presentation.2. DemonstrationDemonstrations are usually used to display an activity in front of the class, such as experimental. We can make a film Such measures do an activity such as how to take measurements with a micrometer is right or take some important activities. So in this way can we direct students to do the activities that right or draw conclusions from such activities.Another way is to utilize the Internet media, we can display an animation-related material that we teach (although not all available). As an example to show the direction of the vector cross product we can access the Internet at the address / RightHandRule.html3. Virtual ExperimentThe purpose of the virtual experimental laboratory here is an activity that moved in front of the computer. Children can do some experiments with virtual experiments utilizing software such as Crocodile Clips. This software can be downloaded at http://www.crocodileclips. com/s3_1.jsp, but you must register first to get an active code that is valid for a month.This method can be used if we do not have a complete science lab or used before performing the actual experiment.4. Virtual ClassroomThe purpose here is the virtual classroom students learn independent web-based, for example using moodle. I give examples of virtual classes that we are developing in MAN 2 Ciamis.Pada virtual classroom, pupils will get the material, assignments and tests online. We as teachers gain the ease of the task of examining and assessing students' exam results. Especially the results of the exam students will be assessed automatically.Actually, many other forms of utilization of ICT can be used to assist students in teaching and learning. But it all depends on us how to use it.
07.20 | 0 komentar

What Is Autosurf?

Written By IMAGINATION on Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011 | 17.21

Autosurf is actually a form of advertising on the internet where anything these ads will be presented on a web browser or web automatic gob tempoh follow a certain period. The advertisers would pay money to users who use the web browser was followed peratusan komisyen or follow kadaran hours or more.

Found this definition from Wikipedia

How resurfacing autosurf?

If you register for Account autosurf, you will be given a value for money. Then you are asked to navigate a number of web pages in a day as a minimum requirement for you to receive komisyen a particular value of the money given. Habit you just need to open your browser and let our other features and webpages that are advertised will be automatic exchange follow a predetermined period, the way 20 times. The terms and revenues are differing follow autosurf programs that followed. If you want to double your income, you need your expertise menaiktaraf.

Example calculation 1:

You enter a program in which you were given $ 10 for starters. Then you are asked to navigate as many as 100 web pages that will be exchanged is automatic in the browser. If you get a komisyen succeeding as much as 1% of the value of existing money.

1% than USD 10 = EUR 0.10 (earnings per day)
USD 0.10 X 365 days = USD 36.50 (revenue a year)

Hypothetic example II:

Suppose you would like to improve your skills than USD10 to USD100, you only need to spend USD90. Now, if you navigate victorious 100 web pages a day, you will be mistaken komisyen of USD100, no longer $ 10.

1% than USD 100 = EUR 1.00 (earnings per day)
USD 1:00 X 365 days = USD 365 (income year)

What are examples of autosurf programs are there?

Here is what I accompanied autosurf program and syorkan:
1. StudioTraffic
2. 12DailyPro
17.21 | 0 komentar


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