Written By IMAGINATION on Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011 | 05.27

PHP stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", which is
a scripting language that is attached to the HTML. Most of the syntax is similar
in C, Java and Perl, PHP plus some specific functions.
The main purpose of this use of language is to allow web designers
writing dynamic web pages quickly.
Relations PHP with HTML
This web page is usually composed of html code that is stored in
a file extension. html. Html file is sent by the server (or file) to
browser, the browser then translate those codes, so
produce a beautiful display. As with the php program, the program
This must be translated by the web-server so it produces the html code
sent to the browser in order to be displayed. This program can stand alone or
inserted between the html code so that it can be instantly displayed together
with the html codes. Php program can be added to the flanking
program between the marks. The signs are usually called
sign for escaping (blurred) from html code. Html file that has been spiked with the program
php extension it must be replaced. php3 or. php.
PHP is a web programming language that is server-side
= Embedded HTML scripting, where the script together with HTML and are
the server. The meaning is syntax and commands that we give will
fully executed on the server but included plain HTML. PHP is known sebgai
scripting language that integrates with HTML tags, is executed on the server and
used to create dynamic web pages such as ASP (Active Server
Pages) and JSP (Java Server Pages).
PHP was first created by Rasmus Lerdroft, a programmer C.
PHP was originally used to calculate the number of visitors on the web.
Then he issued a Personal Home Page Tools version 1.0 for free. Version
This first came out in 1995. Its contents are a set of PERL scripts that
made to create a dynamic web page. Later in the year
1996 he released PHP version 2.0 which has the ability to access
database and can be integrated with HTML.
In 1998, precisely on June 6, 1998 out PHP version 3.0
issued by Rasmus himself with a group of software developers ..
The latest version, the PHP 4.0 came out on May 22, 2000 is
versions are more complete than previous versions. Change
The most basic of PHP 4.0 is an integrated Zend Engine created
by Zend Suraski and Andi Gutmans is a refinement of PHP
scripting engine. The other is to build in the HTTP session, no longer use
Additional libraries like in PHP. The purpose of this scripting language is to
create applications that run on top of web technology. In this case,
applications in general will result in a web browser, but the process
overall run a web server.
Advantages of PHP
When e-commerce is growing, these sites are increasingly statispun
abandoned, because they no longer meet the needs of the market, whereas the site
must remain dynamic. At this time the language was far PERL and CGI
outdated so most web designers are switching to the language
server-side scripting such as PHP which is more dynamic.
The entire web-based applications can be made with PHP. But the power
PHP is the ultimate in connectivity with the database system in
in the web. Database system that can be supported by PHP are:

1. Oracle
2. MySQL
3. Sybase
4. PostgreSQL
5. and other

PHP can run on different operating systems like Windows 98/NT,
UNIX / LINUX, Solaris and Macintosh.

1 komentar:

Musyari mengatakan...

Kalo php sih ane uda lama pingin belajar, tpi gx tercapai2, ajarin donk

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